Friday, October 31, 2008


besties2..k0wg neh laa penyeri id0p k0t..cik PUTERI ngan pr0b die..cik NADIA ngan pr0b gak pr0b k0t..heehe..4 me kal0 xde pr0b bkn life laa name nyew..aite?..but then kalo asek de pr0b je..mamp0s la..huuhu..xlarat oww id0p full of pr0b..ppl deserve 2 be fr0m pr0bs..kan2?..

cik NADIA grad this year..c0ngratz babe!!..have fUn 0n y0ur graduati0n day..nam0 tensi2..jgn sal minah tuh k0 masam muke lak..okeyh?..kewl taw..I'm graduating nex year..n0v 2009!!..PICC, wait 4 me keyh?..I'll be there tah0n dpn..INSYAALLAH...AMINN~..

cik PUTERI..It's n0t y0ur fault dear..She's the 1 wh0 messed uo with the wr0ng gUrl..aite?..she's the1 wh0 cr0ssed d line..n0t u..s0 plsss laa..st0p blame y0urself..If n0t..k0 tggu s0k kat A dan W..jgn sampei aq sepak k0 laju2..heehee...

cik NUR..heehee..ape pr0b?..xdak!!..haahaa..xtaw laa ape pr0b ku..hmm..
kasi pk jap la...c0ntnue l8r~


hajar puteri. said...

ko nk speak aku laju2?

aku sepak ko dlu!!

*ErichiyanA* said...

d0d0l k0!..
jGn ngade2...