Thursday, July 2, 2009


Finally, I'm h0me!..huhux..It's 5.45pm rite n0w..It's been a l0ng day, l0ng j0urney..Nilai t0 KLIA, w0rking fr0m 12am till 7.30am..Lepaking at KLIA till 9am, just t0 settle my permanent pass..But still pending, i have t0 hear the stupid0 briefing next wednesday at 9am..huhux..At 10:30am b0ard an airp0rt c0ach & went straight t0 KL Sentral, fr0m there I t0ok Putra t0 Bangsar..Went t0 the d0c, regarding my injuries, i g0t 3days MC..Plus, i have t0 g0 t0 HUKM's 0rthrpedic Clinic 2m0rr0w *my knees injured*..After the d0c settle *bungk0s* my left knee, I went back t0 KL Sentral again..

T0ok a bus t0 BB with Fizi, grab a Tall Mang0 passI0n at *bux..G0ssipping 4 a while..Then we had lunch at Pasta Mania..Beef b0l0gnaise & garlic bread!!.. Yummy mummy~ Lepaking 4 a while..Theb at 4pm I went back h0me & t0ok my grandad car..Dr0ve myself t0 Pandan Jaya, settle my thing there..And last but n0t least t0 Su T0myam, *tembikai laici*..dehydrate..huhux..Then strtaight back h0me & typing all these crap.. :)

*I miss y0u*

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