Monday, November 3, 2008

lalalala..hari2 kerja!

Just g0t back fr0m pavI..2day kijew half day jew..cant stand the pressure..haaha..pressure ke? Tansfer call jew k0t..heehee..Maybe i'm n0t used 2 the '0ffice' envir0nment..Ntah laa..D0n't really n0e wut ir eally want rite n0w..These few days cam nak saket je..Badan ku cam kurang sehat sket..Asek pening then cam nak thr0w evrything 0ut jew..heehe..makan p0wn cam hape tah..I'm n0t on diet ke hape ke..Just that i can't take t0o much f0ods la..Td g 'Kay Ep See'..heehe..sNack pLate..1 ket0l je mKn tUh p0wn hAlf..Lagy halF tapaw..ade dlm fridge..Dari bangsar g sentral..then ke Bb@pavI..Kat Sentarl sempat la tapaw 'Caramel Frappe'..Tetibe je rase nak min0m lak..Then kat bb..G singgah m0F..'Espress0 Frappe'..heehee..vIc cam kepenatan je..Beezy la tuh..heehee..Da b0san lepak m0F, g *bux!!..wheeheehee..'d0uble sh0t h0t caramel macchiat0'..lepak ctu sampei lebam..wAn xabes2 tnye..'Nape aq tgk muke k0 cam de pr0b je?'..Dari that day lagy tnye cam tuh..sI dIn lak seny0m2 tgk aq pakek baju kur0ng..heehee...Saje je k0t pakek baju kur0ng..Da xtaw nak pakek ape..Da b0san lepak aq balik...~

*c0ntInue..[n0t s0 0kU]

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