Yayang, I mish U!..huhux..I rase cam nak demam laaa..Xbest!..Lately, I being s0 needy & MENGADA & EMO terlebey!..Dem, hate it~ S0rry yayang, didn't mean 2..U paham2 sendiri laa, 0kayh?..I'm s0 s0rry taw..huhux..Anyway, u baru g JB few h0urs ag0..Tp i da rindu gler kat u..heehee..See u 0n m0nday, 0kayh? 0r tuesday?..See u so0n my l0ve! (=
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Pagy td td0w sedap sgt, kene peluk..Mmg laa best..K0n0n nye nak gerak k0l 9, last2 da terlajak..K0l 12 br terjage..heehe..Hujan lebat gler babs ptg td, guruh & petir..Sumpah aku cuak..Tp lena jugak sampai magrib, kal0 my b0yF xcall..Mmg xbgn laa sampai ke mlm..Neh p0wn hujan lagy, tp xselebat ptg td..
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Cahaya Diwali~
[7:56am, 17 0ct 2009]
Happy Diwali, Vanakam Nandre!..Ladoo w0nek, Muruku perse rendek!..
Alexis, Priya & Auntie nasik lemak kat KLIA tuh..Happy Devali!..Have a nice 0ne k!..Nanti jangan lupe bawak muruku & lado0..Gwe kepingin banget deh!..heeheehee...
Alexis, Priya & Auntie nasik lemak kat KLIA tuh..Happy Devali!..Have a nice 0ne k!..Nanti jangan lupe bawak muruku & lado0..Gwe kepingin banget deh!..heeheehee...
0kayh, en0ugh 0f devali..Semalam aku SEPATUTNYA g kije...But then Si Fithry Dunawan yg sialan tuh leh lak nak halau aku!!..HAREM t0l~..Membazir t0l duet aku...Penat taw aku travel..Dari BTS - KLIA je da Rm 26.50..Then da sampei die leh plak ckp..
'K0 g balik je laa..Xpe, aku da biase kije 2 0wg..Aku taw k0 xcuk0p rehat'..
Fine, dgn muke slumber die kate camtuh..Sumpah aku nak sepak trajang je muke die!..Pk k0 bag0s???..Harapan!..Seyesly nak nanges, tp tah nape xnanges plak..l0l~..Dlm 0tk mmg da sr0n0k da, sbb xyah kije ngan die..heehee..Aku tr0s msg b0yF aku..lalalalala..Try call Zack, tp mamat tuh xangkat ph0ne lak..hmm..
G mana mau pulang deh?...Nilai tuh bkn KL, 1, 2 pagy de cab..Dlm 0tak d0k pk, baru k0l 12:30, keja ERL still sempat..Pulang KL aj0, b0yF ku mau tunggu..heeheehee.. :) KLIA - KL Sentaral, abes Rm 35.00..Bangkai t0l, abes duet kat ctu je..ch0i!..Dalam ERL aku d0k menyumpah2 Si Fit tuh..Eee..Seyes bengang keyh..K0 da merugikan mase, tenage & duet aku..0kayh?!..
Arineh, keje ptg lak..M0d kesygan aku?.."Si Fit B0ng0k" tuh..S0rry laa, xde mase nak dtg..Duet da abes nak g kije..S0k je laa ek aku dtg?..lalalalala...Selamat bekije laaa ye..Kate da TERBIASA keje 2 0wg je kan?..Mwahaahaahaahaahaa...!
*Syg, s0rry ssh kan u..huhux...Cian u kene tunggu i..heehee..L0ve u gedix!!*
Monday, September 14, 2009
0n9 kembali..
Da lame xupdate bl0g..Manyak cter baru..haahaahaa..Kt0wg da pindah umah since 28th Aug arituh..Kt0wg d0k sbelah h0stel laki..haahaahaa..Amy, tnie & me cam biase laa..Master bedr0om.. :) Kt0wg bejln bwk brg sket2, sbb kader lem sgt!..Paling best time Amy t0lak tempat sidai baju ngan baju2 Nad bergant0ng..Sgt ch0mel!..Since pindah umah baru rase cam slamat sket k0t..Sbb kiri & kanan ade 0wg..Neway, mlm pindah umah tuh, aku tmn Gbeng g H0spital sEremban..Sbb n0in, the new partner saket..Ade tande2 H1N1..l0l~
Since 18th Aug arituh, aku x plang ke umah..11th sept arituh baru balik, tuh p0wn stakat buke je..Pastuh xbalik, aku pulang umah lagy 1..huu~..Kelmarin demam, tr0k gak laa..2 ari xg kije..huhux..Thx jage i, layan kerenah i time i demam..cian b0yF aku, 2 ari kene jage aku saket..Mengade t0l aku time saket, tuhan je laa yg taw..heeheehee..
Raye lagy few days..Aku kije time raye!..haahaahaa...19th mas0k kije balik..Sbb aku dpt AL b4 raye, layan kan aje..Swank weng weng, i nak balik Nilai..huhux..Xp0wn balik sane ke..leh x?..Tensi0n nye d0k cni.. :(
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm g0in back 2 KLIA after this, n0t g0nna bring my lappy..Cuz my m0m wanna use it, she's MC 4 a wix..Due 2 'Demam Campak'..huhux~..S0, I'm n0t g0nna be 0n9 4 a wix, i guess..Uwaaaaaa!!..
I'm g0nna start w0rking 2m0r0w m0rning!..huuu..After a wix 0ff, it's quite hard..But i mish Starbucks KLIA..See u guys s0on!..heehe..0wh yea, many thing's happen last wix..But i d0n't have time 2 bl0g..heehee..Maybe I shud keep it t0 myself, when i'm free i'll share it..l0l~..
I'm g0nna start w0rking 2m0r0w m0rning!..huuu..After a wix 0ff, it's quite hard..But i mish Starbucks KLIA..See u guys s0on!..heehe..0wh yea, many thing's happen last wix..But i d0n't have time 2 bl0g..heehee..Maybe I shud keep it t0 myself, when i'm free i'll share it..l0l~..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
0nly 5 days left until my 21st bDay..
Where can i find my s0ulmate?..
Can i have him f0r my bDay?..
can i?
Where can i find my s0ulmate?..
Can i have him f0r my bDay?..
can i?
Aug 4th~
Smlm aku seharian kat umah KL..Didn't g0 2 w0rk cuz my knee Hurts like HELL~ *redh0*..Aku xdapat td0w, dari k0l 1 sampai 7 d0k berjaga..Nanges sampei lebam, menahan kesaketan..Harem t0l..Tensi0n..Byk bende nak kene rec0nsider..I th0ught I'm ready, but n0pe..Aku je yg ready, tp kaki aku tak!..huhux~Byk bende tertangguh, pass aku maybe burn je laa..Kene wat lagy skali..hmm..
Pagy2 je da rase nak quit, tp xleh..Sbb penat aku tggu untuk dpt ape aku nak..S0, why quit?..Sbb bnde neh nak quit?..Jgn jadi b0d0!..It will get better in times, bak kate Le0na Lewis..hahaahaa..Neway, Edy, I'm s0rry..Xdapat nak jumpe u smlm..Maybe next time keyh?..I ade je kat Nilai pasneh..hehe..I'm back 2 KLIA this m0rning, k0t..0r n0on~
Monday, August 3, 2009
Aug 3rd~
I'm back in KL, I reach h0me ar0ud 1am!!..huhux~ I left my charger & s0me 0ther IMPORTANT stuff..huhux~ Yesterday was my 1st day, after a m0nth being h0me..MC~..haahaa..Evry1 make a j0ke, 'New Partner'..haahaa..Wuteva laa, *redh0*..I find it's quite hard 2 get the 'm0mentum' back..But I'm sure by next week, everything's g0nna be back 2 n0rmal.. :)
I'm supp0sed 2 be back 2 KLIA this m0rning, 2 pick up my pass..But I'm t0o tired, my knee hurt..huhux..*Sumpah Saket*..I'm quite upset with my w0rk perf0rmance, cuz by 6pm ysterday I'm already half dead!..l0l~ If I'm 0kayh this m0rning, I might be able 2 pick up the pass & catch up with Edy..haaha..We'll see~
*I'm freakin tired..*
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Aug 2nd~
It's the 2nd day 0f Aug, which is my m0nth..Currently in KL, 12.35am..I'm g0nna be back 2 KLIA this n0on, maybe ar0und 12..Like always..lalala..I'm g0nna mish h0me, a m0nth MC..Eventh0ugh s0metimes I'm n0t ar0und due 2 'lepak sampei lebam'..I still mish my place..& I n0e I'm g0nna mish my m0m, my gramma, my grandpa..huhux~ I mish h0me c0oking, nenek masak laa..haahahaa..
I'm g0nna be al0ne at Nilai, eventh0 d 0ther girl's are ar0und..Still I'm g0nna felt like I'm all al0ne..huu~ Zacq's beezy with his w0rk, the tuiti0n thinggy & all th0se pr0jects with Faiz..4sure he's n0t g0nna be a0und this wix, redh0 je..But thx g0d Edy's near, at least he can teman me..& we can g0 lepaking 0kek?..But 4 this wix I'll try my best n0t 2 b0ther u..U're exam's just r0und d c0rner aite?..gud lux!!..haaha.. (:
0nly 1 wix b4 my 21st bDay
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Aug 1st~
Starting this m0nth..
Aku nak RAJEN kan diri..
Untuk mengUPDATEmy bl0g..
MenGURUSkan diri..
Fizikal & Mental..
Azam bulan August tuh..
An0ther 1 wix until my 21st bDay~
Aku nak RAJEN kan diri..
Untuk mengUPDATEmy bl0g..
MenGURUSkan diri..
Fizikal & Mental..
Azam bulan August tuh..
An0ther 1 wix until my 21st bDay~
6 h0urs 0f FUN~
I had fun, eventh0ugh at first CAM HAREM..
Thx n0ordIn, Thx Edy 4 lepaking with me.. :)
Anyway Edy, seyes laa i nmpak tikus lintas & kucing tepi MRR2..
U je xpasan sbb u tgh tgk i..haahaa..
I xhigh, 0kek?.. (:
Nti I balik Nilai leh lepak lagy..
Tp pas u exam la k0t..hahaahaa~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Awal2 pagy td aku g HUKM..K0l 8 amek num, 5010..hmm..Ngant0k tahap max, tuhan je yg taw..Ar0und 10 aku mas0k jumpe d0c..hmm..Die pusing2, tekan2 & wuteva laa kat kaki aku neh..Saket & sengal balik jadinye..huuhu~..D0c ckp lutut & kaki kiri aku SENGET!!..harem..Abn0rmal..Tp xde laa abn0rmal tahap FREAK, tp 0bvi0us k0t senget die tuh..ngehehee..Ligament xk0yak, tp die nye 'c0ver' ade tear sket..Lapisan tulang tuh..
Skunk neh kene jage baek!..Sbb it takes alm0st 6wix tuk fully rec0ver..But 4 this 2wix kene be m0o0o0o0ore carefull~ Kal0 X, mamp0s aku!..Kene laa jumpe d0c balik..F0r n0w I can w0rk, but have 2 be m0re carefull..huhux~ Xdapek laa nak 'huha' sgt pas neh..hmm..20 0ct nti de appt, lagy arr..Kene jumpe die balik, nak make sure my knee in a g0od c0nditi0n..haahahaa..Xsab0 laa nak mas0k kije balik this 2nd Aug..Knee injuries cuti sebulan!..huhux~
Skunk neh kene jage baek!..Sbb it takes alm0st 6wix tuk fully rec0ver..But 4 this 2wix kene be m0o0o0o0ore carefull~ Kal0 X, mamp0s aku!..Kene laa jumpe d0c balik..F0r n0w I can w0rk, but have 2 be m0re carefull..huhux~ Xdapek laa nak 'huha' sgt pas neh..hmm..20 0ct nti de appt, lagy arr..Kene jumpe die balik, nak make sure my knee in a g0od c0nditi0n..haahahaa..Xsab0 laa nak mas0k kije balik this 2nd Aug..Knee injuries cuti sebulan!..huhux~
*Get Well S0on My L0vely Knee*
Monday, July 27, 2009
Berdiam diri adalah lebih baik dari berkata-kata.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I'm like A bird?
L0ve this s0ng..
A l0t~
And baby all I need f0r y0u t0 kn0w is.
Y0ur faith in me bring me t0 tears.
Even after all these years.
And it pains me s0 much t0 tell.
That y0u d0n't kn0w me that much.
And th0ugh my l0ve is rare.
Th0ugh my l0ve is true.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Grad & xb0yF~
I break the news last nite, in the bus..
I d0 felt like I'm g0nna cry..
But i have 2 c0ol d0wn..
S0rry babe, but pers0nally I dissap0int u aite?..
I'm s0 s0rry but I d0 think that it's t0o late..
But I'll try my best 2 c0nvience Encek Zainal keyh?..
I'll try 2 present the LI this m0nday!.. :)
I d0 felt like I'm g0nna cry..
But i have 2 c0ol d0wn..
S0rry babe, but pers0nally I dissap0int u aite?..
I'm s0 s0rry but I d0 think that it's t0o late..
But I'll try my best 2 c0nvience Encek Zainal keyh?..
I'll try 2 present the LI this m0nday!.. :)
I mish him, a l0t..
Lately, I been thinking b0ut him..
I n0e, he's happy with his life n0w..Aite?..
'U, I rindu sangat2..Seyes I rindu..'
*I hate this feeling*
Gimme reas0ns y I still think b0ut u..
We've been 2gather 4 0nly 3 m0nths & 2 days..
But still I cant 4get u..
I can't st0p thinking b0ut u!!..
In 2 wix time, it's g0nna be 9 m0nth's sine we br0ke up..
Lately, I been thinking b0ut him..
I n0e, he's happy with his life n0w..Aite?..
'U, I rindu sangat2..Seyes I rindu..'
*I hate this feeling*
Gimme reas0ns y I still think b0ut u..
We've been 2gather 4 0nly 3 m0nths & 2 days..
But still I cant 4get u..
I can't st0p thinking b0ut u!!..
In 2 wix time, it's g0nna be 9 m0nth's sine we br0ke up..
T0o much travelling~
Lately, i've been travelling t0o much..KL~KLIA/Putrajaya da macam belakang rumah..huhux~ I enj0y travelling, even th0ugh it's quite tiring s0metime..Ystrday, i w0ke up at 1pm..Thx Ace sbb call, kal0 x mmg i bantai td0w sampai petang..Lepak mamak tepi p0ol till 2.30..Then Ace g training balik..Faiz & Zacq c0me n pick me up kat Apartment..Tr0s ke BTS, mencekik Chic Hartz~ Layan..haaha..
Ar0und 4 call Jaja, she's at Alamanda..hmm..Tr0s sh0ot ke KL Sentral, nek ERL ke Putrajaya..& 4 the first time nek bus ke Alamanda, s0g2 lak tuh..Nadi putra nye bus..Sangat pelik, tp thx g0d aku neh ade rase nak tnye..haahaa..Lepak2 *bux then ke Manhattan Fish Market ngan Jaja & Wani, makan2 jap..Pastuh jalan2, try kas0t la ape laa..Kaki ku saket~
Lepak *bux balik 4 few h0urs, k0l 10.30 baru gerak g putrajaya sentral..K0l 11 nek ERL pulang ke KL Sentral..huhux~..& yeah b4 12 sampei umah!!..haahaa..Pandai t0l aku bajet mase..lalala..Haja2, aku makin gem0k an?..Si0t t0l, neh sume gare2 MC sebulan..huhux..Nak mas0k kije!!..Nak kurus sket..uwaaaaa~ :(
Ar0und 4 call Jaja, she's at Alamanda..hmm..Tr0s sh0ot ke KL Sentral, nek ERL ke Putrajaya..& 4 the first time nek bus ke Alamanda, s0g2 lak tuh..Nadi putra nye bus..Sangat pelik, tp thx g0d aku neh ade rase nak tnye..haahaa..Lepak2 *bux then ke Manhattan Fish Market ngan Jaja & Wani, makan2 jap..Pastuh jalan2, try kas0t la ape laa..Kaki ku saket~
Lepak *bux balik 4 few h0urs, k0l 10.30 baru gerak g putrajaya sentral..K0l 11 nek ERL pulang ke KL Sentral..huhux~..& yeah b4 12 sampei umah!!..haahaa..Pandai t0l aku bajet mase..lalala..Haja2, aku makin gem0k an?..Si0t t0l, neh sume gare2 MC sebulan..huhux..Nak mas0k kije!!..Nak kurus sket..uwaaaaa~ :(
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
B0san..Sampai KL td k0l 12.30pm, then ke JJ..Lepak *bux JJ, Akak Zai tuh ad0..My g0d, die igt aku lagy..*Terharu*..Lepak2, b0rak2, 0n9, sm0ke..Sume cuk0p, c0mplete!..Then nak pulang aku p0wn bye2 la kat Kak Zai..Dgn tetibe, kak Zai kate..'Sejak kije StarbuckS makin lawa, da cam mat saleh'..HAREM~ Malu aku jap, da la ade cust0mer kat tepi..wahaaha~ Cter kat Haja, pastuh die leh igt kan sal arituh..She asked me that day..'Nape k0 cam H0llyw0od sgt?'..& lately die kate aku cam h0llyw0od..hmm..Tambah2 ngan lense..aiy0ok..Sangat cam pelik..Haja, k0 tuh ArAbw0od 0kek?..I d0n't care..haahaa..Tggu laa aku tgk k0 ngan lense, siap k0!..lalala~ Nti meet up, list d0wn & campak kat tasek?..0r s0mewhr else yg cambesh & ade p0tensi tggi..Number jgn lupe..huuhux~ Gler sgt ke idea tuh?..S0und's desperate, tp cambesh sb ituh laaa namenye kije gler..We can share 0ur needs & wants..
Sharing is Caring..l0l~
Can't wait 2 meet up next wix, rindu banget sama l0e 0wg..Bak kate Nadia, s0 cl0se yet s0 far..ek?KL~ KLIA~KIJE~
[1142am, 23:07:09]
Currently I'm 0n my way back 2 KL..*Airp0rt C0ach*..haahaa..Gler terbaek kan?..Dlm bus siap 0n9 & update bl0g..huhux~ Td ke Starbucks KLIA, bagi MC & medical claim..Baru jap neh Abg J0e call lak..Die kate 'If name ade dlm schedule & aq MC, gaji jln'..R0ughly ade laa dlm 2 wix aku kije, ade rase teruje sket laa..Gaji ku bley thn k0t ini bln..lalala~
Kang ar0und 12.30pm sampei KL..Xtaw nak kemane..Igt nak lepak ngan Zacq & Faiz kat Maju Juncti0n..Tp cam kene tuka2 train..Kal0 lpk BB cambesh gak, sng nak pulang..hmm~ B0san2..Start kije 1st Aug, kasik kaki baek bet0l2 then leh arr aku bekije smule..Rindu sama Starbucks KLIA..rindu nak kije!!..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Smlm aku bantai td0w sampei lebam..heehee..D0k 0n9 & bergay0t ngan Ace 4 few h0urs..B0rning d0k umh, mau kije..Tp keadaan x mengizinkan..Spat0tnye smlm kuar, tp xjd sbb mbr gwe ade hal..haahaa..K0l 8 baru aq bet0l2 bgn, tuh p0wn sbb ph0ne asek berbunyik..Ade misscalled & mssgs..Haiqal, Ace, Tnie, Fatin & sape tah lagy..Bgn2 tr0s mand, then Akmal call..'Kak Mus u nak melawat!'..Klakanyew, ade gak 0wg nak melawat aq..haahaa..
Layankan aje,8.30 Akmal & Mus sampei..Jumpe gak umah aku ek?..Bag0s t0l..Lepak min0m & b0rak2..Akmal ajak ke Penang this wix, but then tgk laa dulu..Kaki cam k.0 je lagy..huhux..Kal0 Mus j0in lagy besh!!..mwahaahaa..Pas lepak ngan d0wg aku g leak ngan Fatin..Mish her a l0t!..Da a wix xjmpe, die bz ngan traning..huhux~ & she's quite upset sbb aku xg interview Qatar Airways tuh..
G0ssip2, min0m2, tuh laa kije aku n Fatin..Byk gak mende yg t0wg b0rak td..Layan~ 11.45 sampei umah..heehee..Awal an?..Biase kt0wg lepak sampei xigt dunia..l0l~ hmm..Lain mcm je rase xde chen2 kat jari..ch0i!..Aku mau g amek chen2 kuh kat Akmal nti..Xkire, nak gak!..Rase k0s0ng je jari neh..huu~
Layankan aje,8.30 Akmal & Mus sampei..Jumpe gak umah aku ek?..Bag0s t0l..Lepak min0m & b0rak2..Akmal ajak ke Penang this wix, but then tgk laa dulu..Kaki cam k.0 je lagy..huhux..Kal0 Mus j0in lagy besh!!..mwahaahaa..Pas lepak ngan d0wg aku g leak ngan Fatin..Mish her a l0t!..Da a wix xjmpe, die bz ngan traning..huhux~ & she's quite upset sbb aku xg interview Qatar Airways tuh..
G0ssip2, min0m2, tuh laa kije aku n Fatin..Byk gak mende yg t0wg b0rak td..Layan~ 11.45 sampei umah..heehee..Awal an?..Biase kt0wg lepak sampei xigt dunia..l0l~ hmm..Lain mcm je rase xde chen2 kat jari..ch0i!..Aku mau g amek chen2 kuh kat Akmal nti..Xkire, nak gak!..Rase k0s0ng je jari neh..huu~
*Mish *bux KLIA!!!*
Monday, July 13, 2009
An0ther 3 wix & 6 days..
Until my 21st bDay!
Excited but Scared at the same time..
Can i PAUSE?
Until my 21st bDay!
Excited but Scared at the same time..
Can i PAUSE?
Lepak..kar0k, sampei lebam!..
2nites in a r0w g kar0k!..huhux~ Saturday nite kat Sri Damansara with Ace & mmber die..Supp0se nak tgk Transf0rmers, tp full laa plak..Jln2 kat Curve, *saket kaki* usha2 bikini kat Flea Market Curve tuh jap..Then tr0s sh0ot ke kar0k!!..Layan kan aje, tp agak kesedehan *T__T* xde lagy 0pening kuh..
*Aer0smith - I d0n't wanna miss a thing*
huhux~ Dari k0l 10pm sampei k0l 1.30am melalak..K0l 2 baru pulag ke umah..ngeheehee.. :D
Sunday nite plak melepak ngan Zacq, Faiz & Aus..0n9 sat, then lepak p0ol 4 a while..Kesedehan lagy..Xdapek nak swim sbb lutut ku berbal0t..*T__T* Sedih2..Tgk je laa d0wg besuke ria..Then anta Aus, die nak blk Jhr..After that ke Red B0x s0g0, charge nye c0mplicated..Last2 ke Brem Mall..Wheeheeh..Kar0k d sane, sampei xde suare..2 jam je till 2.30am..Tp layan sbb de lagu 0pening kuh!..
Abes kar0k ke Kg. Baru, aku kelaparan..Mkn Char Kuey Te0w!..S0dap weh..huhux..Lepak2 d0wg discuss pasal pr0ject..K0l 4am baru pulang ke apartment..Nggak b0le td0w, s0 aku meng0n9 kan diri..Lepak2, 0n9, sm0ke..K0l 12.30pm baru dapek td0w..ch0i gler~..Ar0und 6 aku blah, seyes aku penat..Neh p0wn cam penat ag, nggak cuk0p rest..Tp nj0y glerrrrr!!..
*Aer0smith - I d0n't wanna miss a thing*
huhux~ Dari k0l 10pm sampei k0l 1.30am melalak..K0l 2 baru pulag ke umah..ngeheehee.. :D
Sunday nite plak melepak ngan Zacq, Faiz & Aus..0n9 sat, then lepak p0ol 4 a while..Kesedehan lagy..Xdapek nak swim sbb lutut ku berbal0t..*T__T* Sedih2..Tgk je laa d0wg besuke ria..Then anta Aus, die nak blk Jhr..After that ke Red B0x s0g0, charge nye c0mplicated..Last2 ke Brem Mall..Wheeheeh..Kar0k d sane, sampei xde suare..2 jam je till 2.30am..Tp layan sbb de lagu 0pening kuh!..
Abes kar0k ke Kg. Baru, aku kelaparan..Mkn Char Kuey Te0w!..S0dap weh..huhux..Lepak2 d0wg discuss pasal pr0ject..K0l 4am baru pulang ke apartment..Nggak b0le td0w, s0 aku meng0n9 kan diri..Lepak2, 0n9, sm0ke..K0l 12.30pm baru dapek td0w..ch0i gler~..Ar0und 6 aku blah, seyes aku penat..Neh p0wn cam penat ag, nggak cuk0p rest..Tp nj0y glerrrrr!!..
*I mish StarbuckS KLIA*
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A wix~
I've been MC 4 a wix n0w..huhux~..Another 13 days t0 g0..huhux!..Seyesly, I'm b0red..Lepaking at h0me, d0ing n0thing..I mish Starbucks KLIA!..I wanna w0rk A.S.A.P!..Rindu nak keje..Tahap max~ I might be g0ing 0ut 2 m0r0, g0ing 2 c0llege..Practical Presentati0n, but then..Knee Injuries..I can't walk pr0perly..huhux~ Aiy0ok..G mana deh?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
sunday m0rning [pt 2]~
Lepaking at *bux till 1.30pm..
'Ridzwan Rosedi'..
Baek punye!!..
Terhengat kat duan_lici0us..l0l~
Awat laa aku akan kenal 0wg bile lepak *bux?..
Layan kan aje..
Ch0mel, tp he's sh0rt!
Tp kewl arr, thx yerp..
N0w, I think I n0w wut 2 d0..
Degree In Management.. :)
'Ridzwan Rosedi'..
Baek punye!!..
Terhengat kat duan_lici0us..l0l~
Awat laa aku akan kenal 0wg bile lepak *bux?..
Layan kan aje..
Ch0mel, tp he's sh0rt!
Tp kewl arr, thx yerp..
N0w, I think I n0w wut 2 d0..
Degree In Management.. :)
sunday m0rning~
D0uble Tall, Caramel Macchiat0 & chic 0 cheese..
Yummy yummY..
Bekpes ku ari neh~'
Currently at *bUx wangsa maju..
B0red, cuz I'm all al0ne..
I had t0o much fun last nite..
Kar0k at brem mall..
Until i l0st my v0ice..
Then having fun with 'C'..
Life is sh0rt, live it t0 the fullest!
Yummy yummY..
Bekpes ku ari neh~'
Currently at *bUx wangsa maju..
B0red, cuz I'm all al0ne..
I had t0o much fun last nite..
Kar0k at brem mall..
Until i l0st my v0ice..
Then having fun with 'C'..
Life is sh0rt, live it t0 the fullest!
I'm just a little bit caught in a middle..
Life is a maze and l0ve is a riddle..
I d0n't kn0w where t0 g0, can't d0 it al0ne..
I've tried and I d0n't kn0w why..
Life is a maze and l0ve is a riddle..
I d0n't kn0w where t0 g0, can't d0 it al0ne..
I've tried and I d0n't kn0w why..
*1 m0nth & 4 days until my 21st bDay*
Friday, July 3, 2009
3 tah0n suda~
Ari neh genap 3 tah0n aku kenal besties kuh!..haaha..
Rase cam da lame sgt daa kenal minah neh..
Thx babe, 4 being there 4 me m0st 0f the time..
I appreciate it.. :)
Thx 4 helping me thr0ugh my up's & d0wn..
Thx 4 all u're advices..
Even th0ugh s0metimes mas0k telinge kanan, kuar telinge kiri k0 still stay..
Thx sbb byk tlg aku..
Especially in 'Heartbreak Is M0therfucker' punye time..
Yeah, u were right on m0st 0f the thing..
Aku rindu k0 d0w!..
Nti kite lepak keyh..heehee..
Thx, thx, thx 4 being my besties!! :)
Rase cam da lame sgt daa kenal minah neh..
Thx babe, 4 being there 4 me m0st 0f the time..
I appreciate it.. :)
Thx 4 helping me thr0ugh my up's & d0wn..
Thx 4 all u're advices..
Even th0ugh s0metimes mas0k telinge kanan, kuar telinge kiri k0 still stay..
Thx sbb byk tlg aku..
Especially in 'Heartbreak Is M0therfucker' punye time..
Yeah, u were right on m0st 0f the thing..
Aku rindu k0 d0w!..
Nti kite lepak keyh..heehee..
Thx, thx, thx 4 being my besties!! :)
Td pagy aku g HUKM, g Xray lutut aku tuh..huhux..Ar0und 11.30 sampei HUKM, tr0s g kat emergency..Then die check2, siap suh aku g kencing ag..PELIK..huhux..Then g daftar jap & byr Xray sume, kene arr RM 45.00 je..Then aku g Xray jap..Ar0und 1pm mas0k bilik 1..D0c tgk2, pusing2..TGk Xray, die kate 0keh je..Tp better refer 2 0rth0pedic..Tak0t urat ke, sendi ke..Y0laa, aku kije kene byk gerak..Nak amek pastry ar, buang sampah laa, pump syrup laa, sliding laa, ape laa..Sume2 tuh laa..Mmg harus rujuk kpd pakar laa..haahaa..S0 currently aku punye MC bertambah hari..Pat0t till sabtu, n0w till m0nday..Sbb m0nday ade app0intment ngan 0rth0pedic..huhux~ Mintak2 xde pape arr, malas aku nak panjang2 cter..Tp since jat0h smlm, pinggang aku start saket daa plak..ad0yaiii~
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Finally, I'm h0me!..huhux..It's 5.45pm rite n0w..It's been a l0ng day, l0ng j0urney..Nilai t0 KLIA, w0rking fr0m 12am till 7.30am..Lepaking at KLIA till 9am, just t0 settle my permanent pass..But still pending, i have t0 hear the stupid0 briefing next wednesday at 9am..huhux..At 10:30am b0ard an airp0rt c0ach & went straight t0 KL Sentral, fr0m there I t0ok Putra t0 Bangsar..Went t0 the d0c, regarding my injuries, i g0t 3days MC..Plus, i have t0 g0 t0 HUKM's 0rthrpedic Clinic 2m0rr0w *my knees injured*..After the d0c settle *bungk0s* my left knee, I went back t0 KL Sentral again..
T0ok a bus t0 BB with Fizi, grab a Tall Mang0 passI0n at *bux..G0ssipping 4 a while..Then we had lunch at Pasta Mania..Beef b0l0gnaise & garlic bread!!.. Yummy mummy~ Lepaking 4 a while..Theb at 4pm I went back h0me & t0ok my grandad car..Dr0ve myself t0 Pandan Jaya, settle my thing there..And last but n0t least t0 Su T0myam, *tembikai laici*..dehydrate..huhux..Then strtaight back h0me & typing all these crap.. :)
T0ok a bus t0 BB with Fizi, grab a Tall Mang0 passI0n at *bux..G0ssipping 4 a while..Then we had lunch at Pasta Mania..Beef b0l0gnaise & garlic bread!!.. Yummy mummy~ Lepaking 4 a while..Theb at 4pm I went back h0me & t0ok my grandad car..Dr0ve myself t0 Pandan Jaya, settle my thing there..And last but n0t least t0 Su T0myam, *tembikai laici*..dehydrate..huhux..Then strtaight back h0me & typing all these crap.. :)
*I miss y0u*
Sunday, June 28, 2009
U're such a BITC#!!..DEm u~ Nak ngaku bestfwen aq k0n0n, harem t0l..Wh0le my life, I nvr c0nsider u as my bestfwen..& n0t even fwen..K0 hanye 'teman' time sng..S0rry bitch but u're nvr ever g0nna be 0n my bestfwen list..haahaa..
Pape hal p0wn, trimas sbb u're such a g0od actress..*k0n0n nyew* Kenape ek ade 0wg cam k0?..Hanye taw nak t0mpang sng 0wg je?..Pnh xpk ape aku rase?..NEVER!..Sbb ape?..K0 hanye pandei nak berpure2..Cter nak gebang..Harem~..
Pape hal p0wn, trimas sbb u're such a g0od actress..*k0n0n nyew* Kenape ek ade 0wg cam k0?..Hanye taw nak t0mpang sng 0wg je?..Pnh xpk ape aku rase?..NEVER!..Sbb ape?..K0 hanye pandei nak berpure2..Cter nak gebang..Harem~..
Alm0st 2 wix xjumpe mamat tuh, rindu lak rase..
''Tuh laa, F&B mmg xde life..''
Xdapek nak nj0y2 selalu..
S0wg ade kat KL..
Lagy s0wg?..
Nun kat KLIA sane..
Kapan mau ketemu?..
Rindu banget sama l0h..
Mish u s0 much dear!!..
Let's have fun when I'm back in KL..
''Tuh laa, F&B mmg xde life..''
Xdapek nak nj0y2 selalu..
S0wg ade kat KL..
Lagy s0wg?..
Nun kat KLIA sane..
Kapan mau ketemu?..
Rindu banget sama l0h..
Mish u s0 much dear!!..
Let's have fun when I'm back in KL..
He's n0t mine, he's half mine.. :)
[28th June 2009]
Just g0t back fr0m BB..Freakin tired rite n0w..huhux~ Alm0st 7 h0urs there, fr0m 1pm till 8 pm..my besties d0in her hair, 4 'Air Asia'..Seyes, ituh laa ramb0t Air Asia..haahaa..Chill keyh babe?..U'll get used 2 it s0on, u have 2 sacrifice s0metime..lalala..Currently listening 2 'Utada Hikaru - Come Back To Me'..Keep playing d same s0ng, I'm in l0ve with the s0ng..
I'm g0in back 2 KLIA 2m0rr0w, w0rking at 3pm..*MALAS* I'm n0t g0nna be ar0und KL till next wix..Maybe 2nd wix 0f July baru balik..2 much h0liday!..Wanna f0cus 0n w0rk this m0nth..huhux..*k0n0n*..Anyway, I'm quite w0rried cuz my LAST PRESENTATION is still PENDING!!..Dem~ Have 2 be seri0us b0ut this..HARUS & WAJIB present by next wix..huhux..If n0t, my name n0t g0nna be 0n the graduati0n list this year..*KESEDEHAN*..Wish me luck weh, nak present nex wix..
All my life, I wanna be in KL, always & f0rever..But then if dapat 0ffer 0versea, nak g!!..heehee..I n0e i'm g0nna mish evreything here..*KL, KL, KL* Last wednesday, I cried all the way fr0m KL Sentral 2 KLIA..I mish my m0m, my gramma, grandpa & br0 a l0t..Seems like I'm in KLIA 4eva!..huhux~*Weird0*..& I mish him, a bit..*U n0e wh0*..The hands0me b0y yg Fatin nak tumbuk2 tuh..haahaa..Let's have fun next wix dear!!. :)
Baby c0me back t0 me.
I'll be everything u need.
Baby come back t0 me.
U're 0ne in a milli0n.
I'll be everything u need.
Baby come back t0 me.
U're 0ne in a milli0n.
I'm g0in back 2 KLIA 2m0rr0w, w0rking at 3pm..*MALAS* I'm n0t g0nna be ar0und KL till next wix..Maybe 2nd wix 0f July baru balik..2 much h0liday!..Wanna f0cus 0n w0rk this m0nth..huhux..*k0n0n*..Anyway, I'm quite w0rried cuz my LAST PRESENTATION is still PENDING!!..Dem~ Have 2 be seri0us b0ut this..HARUS & WAJIB present by next wix..huhux..If n0t, my name n0t g0nna be 0n the graduati0n list this year..*KESEDEHAN*..Wish me luck weh, nak present nex wix..
All my life, I wanna be in KL, always & f0rever..But then if dapat 0ffer 0versea, nak g!!..heehee..I n0e i'm g0nna mish evreything here..*KL, KL, KL* Last wednesday, I cried all the way fr0m KL Sentral 2 KLIA..I mish my m0m, my gramma, grandpa & br0 a l0t..Seems like I'm in KLIA 4eva!..huhux~*Weird0*..& I mish him, a bit..*U n0e wh0*..The hands0me b0y yg Fatin nak tumbuk2 tuh..haahaa..Let's have fun next wix dear!!. :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Insect Bite~
[25th June 2009, 7.45am]
Aku d0k kusyuk d0k kire pastry yg sampei..Tetibe je leher aku kene geget..Gatal & cam pedey sket..Garu2 sket, then nek st0re..Cust0mer xramei ag..Layan kan aje..Tetibe, makin gatal lak badan aku..hmm..Abg J0e da pggil suh till 0ut..Aku d0k tergaru2, mmg da rase smacam da neh..G.beng kate kene geget ulat bulu!..Harem t0l mul0t..WUTEVA..Ar0und 8.15 aku sampei kat van..Kegatalan mmg melampau2, aku da d0k tergaru2..Dari KLIA sampei Nilai aku da tergaru2 cam ber0k, da nak sampei umah Mas kate muke aku merah..Aku da smacam, tgk muke aku cam bengkak2..Dem!!..Cuak 0keh..Sampei umah tr0s call my m0m, nanges2 nak balik..Seyes, aku FREAK 0UT!!!..
Aku kej0t kak Amy, mintak tlg anta g klinik..Seb baek bgn, kal0 x..mamp0s aku tergaru2 kat ctu..Sampei klinik, sempat d0k amek2 gamb0..Sumpah h0d0h weh..D0ct0r inject b0nt0t aku!..Saket xhengat, tp pastuh bengkak surut sket & aku da xgatal2..MC tr0s 2 ari..huhux..Dari klinik tr0s g ktm nilai..Aku pulang kL..11.30 sampei kL, thx carl0s0s0s..Baek lak k0 nak amek aku..heehe..Spanjang MC aku asek td0w je, sbb ubat allergic tuh mmg buat aku sleepy..haahaa..Layan kan je..Sbb 1 gegetan insect abes bengkak2 satu badan..Haish..Esk pagy kene g KLIA semule, aku kije pagy..huhux~
Aku kej0t kak Amy, mintak tlg anta g klinik..Seb baek bgn, kal0 x..mamp0s aku tergaru2 kat ctu..Sampei klinik, sempat d0k amek2 gamb0..Sumpah h0d0h weh..D0ct0r inject b0nt0t aku!..Saket xhengat, tp pastuh bengkak surut sket & aku da xgatal2..MC tr0s 2 ari..huhux..Dari klinik tr0s g ktm nilai..Aku pulang kL..11.30 sampei kL, thx carl0s0s0s..Baek lak k0 nak amek aku..heehe..Spanjang MC aku asek td0w je, sbb ubat allergic tuh mmg buat aku sleepy..haahaa..Layan kan je..Sbb 1 gegetan insect abes bengkak2 satu badan..Haish..Esk pagy kene g KLIA semule, aku kije pagy..huhux~
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Smalam sabtu, 23 May 2009..
Actually aku nak flashback ape jadik setah0n yg lepas..
Actually aku nak flashback ape jadik setah0n yg lepas..
Setah0n yg lepas, 23052008 aku g c0llege..Settle tempat prac, pastuh g balik, g bb lak nak carik baju & dye ramb0t tuk interview prac..& in the same time aku leh lak BERjumpe ngan ituh mamat..Aku igt lagy, time tuh ari jumaat..Die pakek baju melayu kaler biru, cam baby blue..*ch0mel*..Tuh yg terlintas kat pale 0tak aku..Then kt0wg g pavi, g *bux pavi II~..Then tgk wayg..Indiana J0nes..hmm..
Setah0n da berlalu..Smalam, 23052009..Pagy2 aku g Keramat, jmpe my aunty..Then ke Tmn Melati semate2 nak mkn mekdi!!..Pastuh mlm plak aku ke 0u, semate2 nak jenjalan..& mendaringkan diri..Sampei pengkid p0wn tertarik..haahaa..Aku rase aku byk berubah & bende2 p0wn berubah..Anyway, Thx u sbb tmn i time tuh.. :)
Many things change since a year ag0..M0st 0f the time, i like changes in life..But then, s0metime i'm s0 n0t int0 it..Since the day that i saw him..*wednesday last wix*...I misses him, but n0t as much i miss him back then..
Y d0 I miss y0u?
Y d0 I miss y0u?
Tunggu aku!
Klia..Tggu aku keyh?..Aku p0stp0ned kije, sbb misc0mm. antare aku & A.M aku, si J0hArI arituh..heehee..Maybe end 0f May 0r early June..*mintak2 awal bulan*..Tak0t, ser0n0k, sedey..Sume ade..Tak mas0k kije lagy A.M da kate aku bag0s..Hampeh t0l, d0k kene kan aku je kije die..Just wait & see je laa nti..hmm~
*Aku rase aku rindu die*
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Last wednesday aku g KLIA, g interview *bux sane..huhux~ Ja0h gler an?..Well, maybe i need a wind 0f change4 n0w..Aku xfreak 0ut as always, sket ris0 that's all..Back then, my 'b0yF' disagree with my ch0ice..But then, aku nak jugak! Skew hati aku ar kan?..lalala..The intervie sgt best, J0harI ituh kewl laa d0e..Layan je..Xmacam interview p0wn..Time tuh aku redh0 je, dapat xdapat blakang kire tp aku mmg nak..Ja0h ke x, aku nak..That's all i wanted.. :)
Ade laa dlm 45mins gak interview..Siap leh st0ry2 lagy tuh..haahaa..Last2, aku dapat!..Whee..Sr0n0k glerr ar, tp still neves!..0tak d0k pk je, leh ke survive?..D0k h0stel tuh..Ja0h berbatu2 dari umah..4 sure g0nna mish my family..huhux~ I n0e i can, that's y i accept the 0ffer..1st wix c0nfirm t0ugh!..Haja da gtaw da ssh..Tp layan kan aje weh~ Xtaw nape tp the 1st pers0n yg aku txt mase dpt kije tuh is AkmaL, then he called.. Thx ye, syg u lebey! :)
Esk da start kije, aku ris0..Aku freak 0ut..hmm..Brg2 xpack ag, baju & suar & kas0t sume xbeli lagy..Aiy0ok..Pagy kang HARUS bgn awal, mau sh0ppinggggg!..wheeheehee :D
Lame xsh0pping, pas sh0pping aku rase mau ke PavI sbentar..Jmpe mmber2 sume, mintak tips..haahaa..
Ade laa dlm 45mins gak interview..Siap leh st0ry2 lagy tuh..haahaa..Last2, aku dapat!..Whee..Sr0n0k glerr ar, tp still neves!..0tak d0k pk je, leh ke survive?..D0k h0stel tuh..Ja0h berbatu2 dari umah..4 sure g0nna mish my family..huhux~ I n0e i can, that's y i accept the 0ffer..1st wix c0nfirm t0ugh!..Haja da gtaw da ssh..Tp layan kan aje weh~ Xtaw nape tp the 1st pers0n yg aku txt mase dpt kije tuh is AkmaL, then he called.. Thx ye, syg u lebey! :)
Esk da start kije, aku ris0..Aku freak 0ut..hmm..Brg2 xpack ag, baju & suar & kas0t sume xbeli lagy..Aiy0ok..Pagy kang HARUS bgn awal, mau sh0ppinggggg!..wheeheehee :D
Lame xsh0pping, pas sh0pping aku rase mau ke PavI sbentar..Jmpe mmber2 sume, mintak tips..haahaa..
H0pe evrything g0nna be sm0oth! :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
LEO babe~

Great talker.
Attractive and passionate.
Laid back.
Usually happy, when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish.
A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem.
Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous.
Knows how to have fun.
Is really good at almost anything.
Great kisser!!!.
Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth.
Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative.
Not one to mess with.
Rare to find. Good when found.
Attractive and passionate.
Laid back.
Usually happy, when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish.
A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem.
Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous.
Knows how to have fun.
Is really good at almost anything.
Great kisser!!!.
Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth.
Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative.
Not one to mess with.
Rare to find. Good when found.
a day in my life,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
1 m0nth..
It's 0ur 1st m0nth anniv..
We've been 2gther f0r 1 m0nth..
Relati0nship, c0urtship..
I'm sick & tired..
Waiting, searching, hunting but lastly..
I h0pe this w0uld be the last 0ne..
We've been 2gther f0r 1 m0nth..
Relati0nship, c0urtship..
I'm sick & tired..
Waiting, searching, hunting but lastly..
I h0pe this w0uld be the last 0ne..
*Thx g0d 4 giving me happiness..*
50 Things A Guy Should Know About A Girl

1. Know how to make her smile when she’s down.
2. When a girl says she’s sad, but she isn’t crying, it means she’s crying in her heart.
3. A girl can’t find anything to hate about the guy she loves.
4. Girls love it when a guy she likes come up behind her, put his arms around her, squeezes her tightly against his chest, and whisper softly in her ear.
5. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind.
6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually doesn’t know how to react to them.
7. A simple 'hi' can brighten a girl’s day.
8. Keep in mind to be happy in front of her. She’ll think you’re not having fun.
9. Try to make her laugh; it will come in handy when you don’t have anything to talk about.
10. Girls like it when you play with their hair.
11. Call for no reason.
12. Be patient when she takes forever to get ready.
13. Dance with her even if you feel stupid.
14. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her.
15. Being too serious can turn a girl off.
16. Don’t try to guess a girl’s feelings. Ask her.
17. Plan romantic date full of cheesy things; a girl loves to feel special.
18. Always give her a peck on the cheek when you depart from each other, even when friends are watching.
19. Trust each other. If you don’t, just end it right now before trouble starts.
20. Take her everywhere you go with your friends. If she can’t come, say you will miss her. Don’t invite anyone else.
21. Keep your promises; a girl remembers everything the guy she loves tells her.
22. Keep a calendar. Remember her birthday and your anniversary.
23. If you love her, tell her once in a while.
24. Let her fall asleep on you.
25. Don’t let your friends talk to her too much. They’ll steal her away from you.
26. When you ask a girl what’s wrong she’ll never tell you the whole thing, maybe nothing at all.
27. Hugs are the best medicine.
28. Girls hate it when a guy leaves her to do something, but she will understand because she loves you.
29. Tell her she looks great even if she doesn’t.
30. Hearing the words 'I love you' is a great reassurance to a girl, that she is beautiful.
31. Smile a lot.
32. Buy her something once in a while.
33. Make a big deal when you get to see her, even if you’re embarrassed.
34. Always ring the doorbell.
35. Kisses on the neck make a girl tingle.
36. Leave her little messages that she can read later when you’re not around.
37. Hold her during a movie.
38. Appreciate her.
39. When she falls asleep and her hair is in her face, tuck it behind her ear for her.
40. When girls go to the restroom together, they’re gossiping about you.
41. Be the first and last to wish her a happy birthday.
42. Never tell a girl she’s useless in any way.
43. When you play games always let her win.
44. It’s OK to give her a peck on the cheek or the forehead when she’s sleeping.
45. When a girl goes out of her way to see you, make it worth it.
46. Love means devotion, caring, and happiness to a girl, in that order.
47. Stick up for her but still be respectful of her independence.
48. Be playful.
49. Tell the truth. Don’t try to impress her, she loves you for you.
50. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sampai bile laa nak lari2..Penat gak d0e lari2 neh, aku hengat best..ngeheehee..At 1st agak cam best sbb xde 0wg nak bebel sume..Then baru 1 ari da rase semcam lak..Aku rindu katil, aku rindu anak2 beruang, bantal busuk..huhux..Sedey neh..This time my m0m xcarik, maybe sbb da inf0 carl0s aku kat mane..But then, agak sedey gak aku rase..Seyes, xtipu nye sedey..Rase cam die da xsyg aku lagy..
I n0e u're tired, having me as u're daughter such a big challenge aite?..
U're the t0ughest 1..But i think this time u g0nna let me g0..hmm~
I n0e u're tired, having me as u're daughter such a big challenge aite?..
U're the t0ughest 1..But i think this time u g0nna let me g0..hmm~
StarbuckS..P0rt dicks0n..
Aku g pD bukan untuk have fun..S0 pls, jgn nak assume yg bukan2..I'm n0t having fun there, Haja & I just TEMANKAN Nadia..Die de pr0b & that nite kt0wg kat Putrajaya..& whille enj0ying 0ur mee g0reng tetibe je tekeluar kate nak g pD..At 1st aku & haja xm0 sbb k0wg mmg xde duet..Aku de 10 hengget, Haja de 5 hengget..Mmg xaar, but then Nadia kate xpe..S0 kt0wg agree je..Bukan buat ape p0wn, lepak2 tepi laut, bekpes, then balik KL..That's all..
M0m, I'm n0t having fun!
B0ut *bux lak, ari2 lepak *bux..Cam anak 0wg kaye..wth?..Hengat ari2 ke aku kuar duet t0k min0m *bux?..TIDAK!!..Dak2 cni kasik FREE laaa weh..& kal0 bel p0wn % laa..HuhuX..Kadang2 lepak je p0wn, xmin0m..kal0 ngan Fizi, die a slalu blanje..Teman die..Salah ke?..Sangat tidak kefahaman laa camneh..Payah nyew id0p eh, kdg2..heehee...Maybe I'm the 0ne t0 blame 2..kan?
M0m, I'm n0t having fun!
B0ut *bux lak, ari2 lepak *bux..Cam anak 0wg kaye..wth?..Hengat ari2 ke aku kuar duet t0k min0m *bux?..TIDAK!!..Dak2 cni kasik FREE laaa weh..& kal0 bel p0wn % laa..HuhuX..Kadang2 lepak je p0wn, xmin0m..kal0 ngan Fizi, die a slalu blanje..Teman die..Salah ke?..Sangat tidak kefahaman laa camneh..Payah nyew id0p eh, kdg2..heehee...Maybe I'm the 0ne t0 blame 2..kan?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Selsema kembali menyerang..Mlm td xde laa sgt, mas0k ari neh da 3 ari..Aku rimas tahap dewa..Hid0ng asek gatal je, pastuh bersin tak hengat..Tensi0n sangat!!..huhux~ Cam ner mau ke c0llege?..huhux..Nak nanges je rase...Aku tak larat tahap max..Kepale da start saket..Nak demam la tuh..Lately xcuk0p rehat..Aku da start ngan prangai lame..Berjage di malam hari..heehe~
*I need rest, a l0t 0f rest..*
Semalaman d0k layan cter neh.
Gh0st S1 Ep.10 Pt.5
The ending.
Best cter neh.
Seas0n 2 da start last sunday.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mengapa & Kenape?..Aku xpenah rase nyesal terime kau, sbb kau terime aku seadanya..Tp lately, kenape cemburu bute?..Gler2 bute tahap dewa..'Jeal0usy kill's'..Ituh aku slalu igtkan kat diri aku, sbb aku neh mmg st0k cemburu buru..buru gak, tp aku cube tuk x cemburu bute sbb cemburu mmg b0ley wat gad0!..Seyes..Skunk neh nape kau yg nak cemburu bute?..Aku bengang & sentap gler td..Tgh el0k lepak2 then lek plak nak tinggi suare kat aku..Sume sbb aku gurau2 ngan Dee, die tuh kateg0ri 'senget'..Minah *bux Pavi I..Ape masalah nye?..xleh ke aku nak kwn ngan spesis senget?..kwn ngan Shaer, Din, Wan, Shahril & 0ther's xpe lak..Lagy rela aku kwn ngan laki yerp?..huu~
Aku xpenah lagy menangis sbb kau, aku harap aku takkan menangis sbb kau..Sekali aku nangis sbb s0wg laki, seribu kali aku akan nangis lagy sbb laki tuh!..& sbb pix aku tuh..Yeah, kat fitting r0om..T0mmy Hilfiger,Klcc..Kau gler aku nak mas0k fitting r0om ngan laki?..Nak mamp0s kene terajang ngan pak guard KLCC?..Fikirlah sbl0m cakap..Xkan aku neh gler sampai macam tuh..Care k0 cakap cam aku neh murahan sgt, kat mane2 p0wn bedal je..Eeee..Geram gler!..Seb baek balik td da 0kek..Kal0 xmmg aku rase cam nak take a break 4 a while..hmm~
Aku xpenah lagy menangis sbb kau, aku harap aku takkan menangis sbb kau..Sekali aku nangis sbb s0wg laki, seribu kali aku akan nangis lagy sbb laki tuh!..& sbb pix aku tuh..Yeah, kat fitting r0om..T0mmy Hilfiger,Klcc..Kau gler aku nak mas0k fitting r0om ngan laki?..Nak mamp0s kene terajang ngan pak guard KLCC?..Fikirlah sbl0m cakap..Xkan aku neh gler sampai macam tuh..Care k0 cakap cam aku neh murahan sgt, kat mane2 p0wn bedal je..Eeee..Geram gler!..Seb baek balik td da 0kek..Kal0 xmmg aku rase cam nak take a break 4 a while..hmm~
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